Cost Reduction
As the breadth and depth of technology increases and becomes more costly, organizations are pressured more than ever to reduce costs.
Our cost reducing solutions can increase your efficiency while lowering unnecessary expenses.
The need to reduce IT costs while delivering greater business value is universal, but the wrong cuts in IT can damage a company’s total value proposition and competitive advantage. As the breadth and depth of technology increases and becomes more costly, organizations are pressured more than ever to reduce these costs.
PC power management and instant system restore technologies provide two of the most immediate and cost-effective ways to cut your IT related expenditures.
► Lower PC Energy Costs
A dedicated PC power management solution is one of the most inexpensive and impactful ways to reduce your organization’s power bill and energy consumption and can deliver a full ROI in as little as six months — less if you qualify for a rebate.
Faronics Power Save doesn’t interfere with user or IT requirements. It ensures workstations are available when system resources are required, while intelligently conserving power during productivity downtimes.
► Lower IT Support Costs
With its reboot to restore technology, Faronics Deep Freeze eliminates the need for IT professionals to reconfigure, re-image, or troubleshoot computers, reducing support incidents by up to 63%.
Faronics Deep Freeze ensures each and every desktop, laptop, and server remain in the same perfect original operating state. Deep Freeze guarantees 100% workstation recovery on every restart and is the only solution that effectively balances workstation security with user productivity.
► Free Up IT Resources
By reducing IT support tickets, Deep Freeze allows IT personnel to focus on strategic IT needs rather than respond to avoidable help-desk requests. Deep Freeze users manage up to 12% more desktops per employee.
Meanwhile Power Save allows you to instantly free up cash flow by remotely shutting down idle computers across your network.